Property Data Append - National Property Data Service | TovoData

Send us your document and also our Service Bureau will append purposeful property features, owner info, present and prior earnings, real estate valuations and much more. Our database comprises updated deed, mortgage and relevant files and covers over 140 million properties throughout the country. You can now make the most of this information property pros rely on.

  • Discover opportunities by identifying real estate trends and neighborhood characteristics
  • Boost mortgage transaction cycle time and cost efficiencies
  • Ideal for creditors, investors, insurance brokers, land management and home solutions suppliers

The Way Property Data Append Works

Our property data append process handily adds mortgage and property details to your information. This support can be accessible via Automated FTP Processing using a turnaround time of only minutes. Send your document to us via secure online connection

Our support offers mortgage and property information on over 140 million U.S. possessions. Listed below are the principal categories accessible, and you'll be able to see all 165 data components available .

  1. Subdivision Information
  2. Owner Information
  3. Values Information (Calculated, obtained, assessed Land/Value/Improvement/Economy )
  4. Current Sale Information (Recording, Sale Date/Price/Name, Title Company)
  5. Present Trust Deed Information (Mortgage, Deed, and Bank information)
  6. Ahead Sale Information
  7. Lot / Land Information (Footage, Lot, and Acreage)
  8. Square Footage Information (Universal, Building, Living, Earth, Toilet )
  9. Construction Info (Year Constructed, No. Bedrooms/Baths, AC, Bldg Code, Condition, Garage Construction, Heating, Fireplace, Parking, Pool, Roof, Utilities)


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